Thursday, November 14, 2013

Long time no blog

I'm back, hurrah! Pretty confident this carries approximately the same impact as Arnie's once promised, then eventual return!

Where has she been, you ask. Scaling mountains? Trekking through the Amazon? Qualifying for Mensa, and attending weekly Mensa meets!

Well, no, not at all. But thanks for assuming such incredible feats for me.

I'm pleased to say I've actually achieved very little since writing my last blog. And if you must know what's been occurring since then, I've:

-Queued for an hour to attend a Bonfire Night extravaganza, to then not make it in, and see how many fireworks? How many was it? NONE.

-Become a laughing stock at work for believing a colleague's pearls were her Grandmother's, recovered from the Titanic.

-Had two large plastic bags, simultaneously blow across the street, attach themselves, one to each foot, and found myself, what I can only describe as 'fighting' them in front of a crowd of eager spectators.

-Been knocked into a fence by a dog.

-Overheard this fucker on his phone: 'And how much did he lose? Twenty thousand? We much be the most gullible bunch of billionaires going!'

-Applied for one volunteer writing job, in an attempt to resuscitate my pathetic wisp of dream, and been IGNORED.

-Accrued a ton of never-ending bruises from attempting to slot my bum between the brutal seat handles on moving tubes.

-Told everyone I was signing up for a half-marathon, and then didn't sign up. (Try it, it's great - All the praise, with none of the effort).

-Got diagnosed, by a Doctor, with hyper extension body.

Let's explore this last one:

When I say 'Doctor', I refer to Ginger Beard. For any new readers (as most of my recent audience is based in Bulgaria), Ginger Beard is my very fortunate boyfriend. Once upon a time he completed a Phd, and now considers himself more a Doctor of the world, than a Doctor relating specifically to the very narrow boundaries of his thesis.

But I digress. So when I say, 'Diagnosed', what I'm inferring, is that we were waiting for a train yesterday and he said, 'That's so weird.'

And I said, 'What?'

And he said, 'Your leg. Look at your leg.'

I looked at my leg, and I said, 'Huh?'

And he said, 'It's hyper extended.'

And I said, 'Like how I can twist my arms round each other many times, and dislocate my thumbs, and my jaw.'

And he said, 'Yes.'

Thus, ladies and gents, I've come to the logical conclusion that I have hyper extension body, or hyper extension bodimous if you'd prefer in in Latin.

If you Google it. You get this:

It's really no wonder that I've never felt like I truly fitted in. I have always felt different, and that, that difference, would inevitably hold me back from achieving my full potential. Thanks for listening.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Forgive me lord, for I have sinned.

Okay, okay, I'll confess.

I did it.

It's not the kind of thing I would've done at 25.

But I've just turned 26, and BANG - the compulsion was there.

And I admit. I could've backed off a lot earlier, said to myself, 'Hey, enough calm down.'

But It just kept on happening.

I realised that there was a safe place, an understanding place, where I could admit the horrible things I had done, and not be judged. Right here.


It started with the blackberry bushes. So many of the bastards. They took us by surprise when we wandered into the Common seeking out a picnic spot. When we finished our salad, we wiped out our tupperware containers, and picked berries for an hour.

CRIME 1 - Wanting to have a picnic, and more specifically a salad picnic.

CRIME 2 - Owning tupperware.

We arrived home with about 1.5kg of berries.

CRIME 3 - Weighing berries.

And this is where it gets really nasty. Don't read this until you've eaten your lunch.

With some of the berries, we tracked down a recipe and made a spiced, blackberry chutney. *Gags*

Some of the berries were frozen to make a crumble later *Vomits over own legs*

The rest of the berries were layered with cream and crushed hobnobs to create a layered desert *Commits suicide for the good of the nation*

Today, I *GROSS* had the homemade chutney *DOUBLE VOM* in my ham sandwich. And it was lush.


I had to sterilise a fucking jar in the oven. Who does that? Why would that ever be something to do?


To try and address the balance, and counter how disgustingly twee I've become, I've developed a 3 stage action plan for this weekend:

*Miss a phone bill payment
*Listen to my music at a volume which would be considered inconsiderate, on the tube.
*Throw away my collection of spare buttons.

There, I think that should get me back to my typical Rock 'n' Roll self.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Let it out boys, let it all hang out

I'm pretty sure God (other omnipotent beings are available), must have read my last blog, and seen it as some kind of complaint. Specifically, that I was complaining over the absence of crotch related stories in my life since moving to London.


On Monday, on the tube, I was looking for the perfect opportunity to say to this guy:

'Hi, sorry, hi, I see you're incredibly engaged with that newspaper article, but could I trouble you to explain something? It's just that your penis, that's right, your whole penis, has been pressing very firmly against my shoulder, with each gentle sway of the carriage. So firmly in fact, that should you request it, I could draw you a quite accurate picture of its outline. If you could not sexually assault me every ten seconds, it would contribute a real sense of relaxation to my journey which so far, I've been unable to experience.'

But like most men, after five minutes of this activity, he left.

I'M JOKING. I mean he did leave, but the sweeping generalisation  was completely out of order.

Does anyone have people at work who are paid to say hello and goodbye?

How does one break into that line of work?

 I don't think I'd be very good at having to genuinely care about people, but I'd be interested to take a sneaky peek at the salary.

Sometimes I forget that it's not real, because this one guy looks at me with such sincere joy. He wishes that all my weekends be absolutely super, and that each day is totally fantastic and that my evenings are especially lovely.

And I wish the same back for him. Because he's TRICKED me into believing that it's real.

And what folks, is even more devastating than no one smiling at you in reception? Someone whose salary is entirely generated from faking interest in your life.


For your sake, I hope you don't have to endure this daily cycle of humiliation and lies.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Piss Poor

Okay, so I know I haven't written in like, yeeeaaars.

BUT, fear not. Because I can quickly fill you in on the highlights of my new London lifestyle (Spoiler Alert - it's terribly glamorous).

-A Putney runner overtook me, in bright white shorts, who'd quite evidently

1) Shat himself
2) Done an explosive poo fart.

-I sat in my cereal. I was totes late for work.

-I met Les Dennis, and when I say met I mean my friend went, 'Les Dennis!' and he went, 'Hi there.', and I went, 'Who's Dennis?'

-I watched a drunk man in orange corduroy trousers piss himself on the tube.

-I lost the first 17 layers of my finger nails to a group of rather viscous Vietnamese women who all work in Salons titled after American states. My hands are a fucking joke. If it wasn't CONSTANTLY too hot, I'd wear gloves.

Jealous? I THOUGHT SO.

There are many things I prefer about London. Here are some of the things I totally, do not, prefer:

1) They steal your shoes. I'm not sure that this really needs anything context, but should you desire it - I left my shoes at work, and they got taken in 'The Great Shoe Theft of 13'. Apparently it was enforcing the clear desk policy, and you could pick your shoes up from them (albeit shamefaced over your dirty, dirty standards) the following day. Only mine were missing. I've been seeking compensation for 6 weeks. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. And once I discover who THEY actually are, I'm going to TAKE THEIR SHOES.

How do they even sleep at night?

I'll tell you - quite comfortably, in an expensive pair of Red or Dead boots. Fuckers.

As I only use one pair of shoes at work, I spent the following 3 weeks bringing in, and wearing, every pair of shoes I own. Only to discover that NONE of them fit. I'm not even toying with you for effect. I threw away ten pairs of unworn shoes.

They think they're teaching me a lesson, when it fact, they're unraveling a lifetime of misguided purchases.

2) The tubes are worse than the trains! To think I spent so many blogs whinging about being eye level with a crotch. I had no idea what horrors awaited me here. Highlights so far

-Someone completing their crossword on my  right shoulder blade
-Ginger Beard kicking at the floor of a packed carriage to achieve leg room, only to discover that a small, Japanese girl was down there.
-Crying two stops away from home because so many disgusting people have their skin against my skin.



Wednesday, June 05, 2013

You're a loooooosserrrr

Hello British readers and Slovenian alike!

How the hell are you?

I'm great thanks, due to spending two nights 'sleeping' on a table masquerading as a mattress.

I've also found myself in a very undesirable position, for the first time in my young, splendid life. Eating alone. Every morning, I have to sit BY MYSELF and eat breakfast BY MYSELF, with a lot of suited business men who are also BY THEMSELVES.

It's fucking horrifying.

No one has prepared me for this situation.

My parents never said, 'Now Gemma, one day, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day, you might have to eat alone, and when that day arrives, what you do is.....'


I take a magazine, but I'm not reading it. Instead I'm internally dying of self aware shame. I forget how to butter toast. Can I only butter toast when someone I know supervises me? Because I'm totally shit at in when unattended.

I've googled tips, but I really don't find the below particularly appealing:

I'm not going to smile at anyone else there. I'm not even going to acknowledge they exist. It's what everyone else does. Like we're in our own kitchens, eating seriously below par muesli alone.

Another piece of advice, is to take pictures of your food, so that other diners think you're a Food Critic.

Can you be a Food Critic of Kelloggs Cornflakes?

It really does feel like being single, with no friends. I have to keep reminding myself it's not true. But even the waitress talks to me like it's true.

She's all 'Coffee for one? Hmm? Toast for one?'

No, you know what, I'll have toast for three. YOU DICK.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Taking the abuse worldwide

I'm really sorry that I abandoned you for over a month.

It was me, not you.

Oh okay, it was totally you. You forced me to say it.


Something tremendously exciting! I've had 25 hits from Slovenia! Gotta love those blog-reading Slovenians. To try and bond with my new fan base, I decided to do some research. The first thing I found was their official Tourist Board website.

Do you feel Slovenia and/or love?

I know I do, and regularly.

If you're not currently feeling it, don't panic, because, and I quote, 'The friendly, hospitable and attentive locals will guarantee you a pleasant stay. You can feel Slovenia.'

Is anyone else a little bit concerned by what they appear to be suggesting?

It's accompanied by this picture, which appears to be a demon child.

They go on to say that it's a great place for watching grapes ripen on the oldest vine in the world. At the moment, I'm a bit too busy for that level of commitment. But I urge you to give it a go!

Be careful though, because they then say you can hear tales of bears, which insinuates that there are bears.

I really do hope that my Slovenian chums now feel, that I have reached out, as if through their very screen, and grasped their culture with two, eager hands.

Please do let me know if this is the case.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Books are better than family.

In true Gemma style, I am currently reading a book about running, but not actually running. Which reminds me ever so much of fifteen books I own on Writing.

Is it possible, that my true talent has been brazenly staring at me, all these years, and I just never looked up?

I think it is.

My best skill (ooohh the suspense), is reading about things that other people just do!

How exciting!

I'm going to suggest to my boss, that instead of turning up to work from now on, it will simply suffice to skim through a few chapters detailing someone with a job.

And to that end, ask my boyfriend, if instead of investing time in our relationship, I can just borrow 'The Notebook' from the library. I'M JOKING - THE QUALITY OF OUR BOND PALES IN COMPARISON TO THEIRS.

The title of this blog is actually something I once said to my Mum, when asked to stop reading so much, and the cause of the only time I ever got grounded. Sharing this with you probably detracts from the crazy, troubled childhood you assumed I'd had. So I'd like to add that at one point (I think I was around 7), I only owned three ponies.

Would anyone like to buy a freezer? I'm serious. Let me know.

Linking in to the above sell - I'm moving to London, wahey! To live with strangers, wahey! Well, alright, Ginger Beard (bf) will be there, but we're practically strangers now. In fact, and I'm sure he won't mind me saying, the only thing we have in common is a desperate need to escape the suffocating noose of what once was our love.

Does anyone remember how to live with people you don't like?

It's just that there's going to be eight of us, and the chances of it being some kind of modern day Walton's are slim. I'm so prepared for battle, that I'm already pissed off over someone drinking my milk, and the the 2am drumming. Not to mention when I need the bathroom, and they're using the bathroom.


No, I don't think you can. Because unlike me, a student is something you were once, before you got a crap degree and extended your intake beyond beans. Not something you plan on regressing back to. But thanks to London. That's right, London, you fucking, extortionate, tube laden bastard, we can't afford to live anywhere but practically squashed into the armpit of another overdrawn, milk stealing commuter.

The only remote plus side, is how much material this less-than-ideal, shitter of a situation will offer up for my blog.

And I would probably be less in-advance angry, if I'd gone for a run, INSTEAD OF JUST READING ABOUT ONE.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Becoming Janet

Just in case some of you are missing Ginger Beard (My Geordie other half) as much as me, I thought I'd share this snippet of classic conversation. And I guess if you didn't know him before, you really will now.

Ginger Beard: So, at work once, they put all the women on assertiveness training. It can be really difficult for them not to feel intimidated in a male dominated environment.

Me: Really? That's great. Did it work?

Ginger Beard: Not really. They just went around being complete bitches for a few weeks.

There, feel better now?

I thought so.


People keep phoning my house at all hours asking for Janet. I started to feel this incredible pressure to be Janet. They all seem so excited at the prospect of talking to her. It's like, she must be so charismatic to have this many friends!

I phoned Plusnet to complain about it.

David: Basically, you have to tell them to stop it.

Me: Okay.

David: You have to be all, 'this number has been recycled and reassigned to me, and this is unacceptable.'

Me: What if that doesn't work?

David: Then you phone the police and report it as harassment.

Me: Wow, okay, like a crime?

David. Yes, it is a crime. And then phone me back with the crime reference number and I will give you a new number.

So, what? I've practically got to perform a citizen's arrest to get some peace?

It seems easier to just take Janet on like a a second personality. I'm going to try out a few accents and intonations on the next ten or so calls. I'm bound to get her voice right eventually. I guess that in time I can model my second self on the information I get, but for now I'm going to be:

-Hooked on crack cocaine.
-A veterinarian
-An optimist

This morning I lost my balls.

Stranger: Hi, Janet?
Me: Yep.
Stranger: Is that you Janet?
Me: No, not it's not.

I think it's because Janet would never say 'Yep' like that. Tomorrow Janet will try saying, 'Fuck yeah.'

Monday, March 18, 2013

I can be your hero baby

So.....You know when you're watching Brucey strut his stuff in Die Hard, and you're all I wonder what that feels like, to be an action hero, to be forever battling life and death, to start every day knowing it could be your....

Well now you don't have to!

Wonder about it, I mean. Because now (how exciting is this!) you can just ask me.

That's right. Yours truly has experienced a moment which would not look out of place in Mission Impossible.

Can I firstly ask that you don't treat me any differently. I'm the same person, it's just that you'll now be immensely aware of my super human abilities.


There I was, making my way to the station, staring at the back of this person's head going, Man? Woman? Is it? Could it be? Definitely a man, probably a Woman, Man's clothes, woman's hair...... when the lady walking ahead of the Woman/Man drops an unnoticed ticket on the floor.

Woman/Man, drags his/her ugly suitcase along, and stops to pick up the ticket. Meanwhile ticket dropper is through the barriers and hot footing it up some stairs.

Woman/Man gets to barrier, and frantically searches for his/her own ticket.

This is where I come in. Like Silvester Stallone. Like *insert well known tough man*, I was ready.

Firstly, I approached Woman/Man, 'Do you want me to chase her?'

Woman/Man was German! 'Please!'

Not the first time the Germans have fucked up.


I took the ticket. I ran through the barriers. I zigzagged up the stairs, around a stampede of rude commuters, ever chasing the brief flashes of her blue coat.

Across the second set of stairs I bellowed. 'STOP!' And everyone stopped. I have never been so respected.

She stopped.

I rushed over and presented the ticket, like the fitting glass slipper, and said 'It's a good day to die hard.' No, I didn't, don't be ridiculous. I said, 'You dropped your ticket.'

She said, 'Oh, right.' Took the ticket, and fucked off.

A hero who goes unrecognised, is still a hero.

This story, as well as exhibiting that the only thing I'm missing is a costume, also proves that I can do my own stunts.

My awesomeness - Coming to a cinema near you.

Okay, but really - I mean, where were her fucking manners? Was she dragged up? I think I'd of got the exact same response if I'd saved her baby moments before a train squashed it. She didn't have a baby, but you get the point. If she had had a baby I would've slapped it across the the face and said, 'For your mother's crimes against humanity.'

I'm genuinely gutted now that she wasn't with a child, which I could've assaulted.

Have a lovely day!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Rage against the....anything.

I've still got cake left!

Just in case you wanted some. Let me know.


I was on the train the other day, and there were two thick girls in the aisle.

I know that sounds harsh, but wait for it.

Me: Would you both mind moving there (two empty seats) so I can get past.

*Blank stares*

Me: It's just that I can't get to my seat.

One of them moves out the way, one of them stays where she is.

Me: If this is going to work, it will require both of you to do that.

THEN, and I shit you not, the one girl who'd moved out of the way, shifts back into the aisle.

Me: The initial problem stands.

Girl one: But I did what you asked!


It's the 5:07pm train between Manchester and Leeds. I've had a bad day. I've got an audience.

Girl one: I don't get it.

Me: For fuck's sake. (Old people in carriage gasp).

And then I basically pushed them into the space, because as it turns out I have a very Nottingham temper. For anyone who doesn't know Nottingham that well, people who spend a lot of time there stick loyally to the below:

-Swearing is always necessary, the more the merrier.
- If there's no path through a crowd, you fucking make a path (sorry, I'm props back in my Midlands mentality right now).
-Someone's just been shot? Tell me something I don't know.

It's like that time I went swimming, and this girl ignored the anti-clockwise lane system, and I splashed water in her face. Or when this other girl got too close to me at a Kate Nash concert and I pushed her over. Or when.....I think you get it.

Maybe I have some serious anger issues. Does anyone know a really great, Leeds-based therapist, so I can talk my issues through. I'm pretty sure it all boils down to one incident in my childhood, when my Dad bought be a bike and it wasn't anywhere near the colour I'd specified.

You have no idea about what I had to put up with.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Can't cook, don't cook.

So....on Saturday night I was like, I'm going to make a Me cake, that is, a cake just for me. Don't panic, I don't have an eating disorder or anything. I've just never liked sharing, and it really ties in with one of my Resolutions to be more selfish.

We tend to think Resolutions should be about becoming a better person, or helping someone, but sometimes you've got to ask, 'What about me? What do I want?' And I wanted cake.

I set up a little baking station in front of the TV, so that I could continue to spend as much of my weekend as physically possible with Dexter. Did you know that it's really tricky to sieve flour from a height when you're watching one man kill another with a machete. It's like, I may be 25, but I'm still stumbling over these really important life lessons, such as 'Don't prepare food in the lounge,' and 'cracking an egg on the side of a bowl sometimes causes that bowl to be catapulted'.

Please learn from my mistakes.

ALSO, the scales were broken. But I thought to myself, is it possible that I'm such an experienced baker, I don't even need to measure things anymore? Could I be one of those people who simply feels their way around recipes. I mean I could start going around saying 'pukka' and write a freaking book. How exciting!!

Well it turns out that no, no, I can't be that person.

I'm so fucking distressed at what happened to my cake that I've put it in Roses tin, and left it on the hob.

Is that weird? So what if it's inedible? What harm will it do, to stay in that tin awhile pretending to be a great cake, that someone expertly created?

You know, the bits around the edges really aren't that bad, especially it you favour burnt toast.


I tried to change my duvet cover, and after like three times, I was so frustrated, and on top of the cake thing, and the fact that I'd only had 11 hours sleep, I allowed myself a brief, but satisfying cry.


Remember what R.E.M said? Huh? Everybody hurts God dammit. Even really successful writers.

In fact, I'm pretty confident that they hurt more.

And to all you people who insist on putting your beautiful, culinary efforts on Facebook - NO ONE CARES.

You may think it makes you talented, but I think you'll find it's harder to leave a cake in the oven for two hours, and find it's still not cooked in the middle.

Eat that and like it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

5k February

The only resolution I'm getting on board with at all, is this 10k lark. I guess, overall, it's a positive move, but let me tell you, there are soooo many upsetting bits along the way. Par example:

You: So, yeah, I've signed up for a 10k.
Them: 10k? Why wouldn't you do a marathon?

As it turns out, EVERYBODY runs. Not only that, but they run faster, and further than you, and they've been doing it since infancy. So if one of the main reasons you're doing this is for recognition (pretty much the main motivating force in my life), give up now.

They don't respect treadmill runners. That's not proper running. And don't bother with sharing your injuries either, because unless you're torn something/passed out onto your face/been hit by a cyclist, you are nowhere near being in the game.

Some days you will feel truly energised and brilliant. Most days you will feel like shit.


There are these three old nurses on my bus. This, I assume, as only one of them has a nurses outfit on. Ooh, but maybe it's an unlikely friendship between a nurse, a surgeon, and a cleaner, sweeping aside pay brackets to generate a pure, long standing example of friendship!! Probably not.

The point is, one of them doesn't have a voice. And it's this one who does most of the talking. I'm serious.

It's a little bit Batman, but less, just the grating rasp. I don't mean to be harsh here, because I guess someone's stolen her vocal chords (perhaps her best friend the surgeon!), but why would you insist on babbling on every day with your life story? I can't understand what she's saying, and maybe that's why the other two don't reply. It freaks me out. It's like searching for the right radio frequency every morning for fifteen minutes. THANKS.

The cats aren't dead! I thought it would cheer you to know. But I can't go near them any more because it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I've never been allergic before. But then again, I've never stolen two of them, and let them rub against everything in my home. So....I can't help but feel it's some kind of punishment. Like God disapproves of me stealing other peoples things?

Like duh, I'm just going to stock up on antihistamines, and nick them again. Nice try though.

Friday, February 08, 2013

All cats go to heaven


In terms of all those unrealistic resolutions,  the one I'm most proud of violating, is the no alcohol one. You'll be pleased to know I violated it good and proper, on many occasions.

It's just that I use alcohol as a balm to paste over my shattered dreams, to fill in the ever-increasing crack between the life I want and the life I have, and most importantly, to make boring people instantly more interesting.

And no one can tell me that's wrong. No one.


The cats. I know, I know. Shut up about the fricking cats. Well you should be ashamed of yourself, because the cats are dead. You know that old murderous line 'If I can't have you no one will', well that's exactly what's happened here. She's punished them for loving too much.

How do I know this?

Because I've been watching a lot of 'Dexter', making me an expert at sniffing out criminals, this peppered with catching five seconds here and there of 'The Mentalist', and having spent most of my childhood trying to get my brother to eat mud pies which would of most certainly killed him, that's how.

There were no cat prints in the snow.

Cats can't fly!

And thus, they are dead.

Please now have a respectful moment of silence.


Filo pastry is a smug bitch. I don't get it AT ALL. I never thought I'd encounter something in my kitchen which pisses me off more than cellophane. Seriously, I just tried to take a sheet from the packet, and I had no idea what was happening. So, in much the same way I react to spiders, I slowly backed away, and respected its space.


I had this voucher for like £25, and I spent it on Amazon, as was like 'Gosh, 25 whole pounds! Better treat myself to an electric toothbrush charger!' And then I looked at the receipt, and they've ignored the voucher which had expired, and just charged my card anyway.


If I'd know, that it wasn't free money, I never would've bought three pairs of winter socks, a Thunder Cats Yoyo, and The Wonder Years on DVD.

Amazon makes me sick.

Little update on my 10k progress; If any of you out there are thinking of using running to get skinny, forget it. it's not that I haven't lost a lot of fat, I have, just from my fingers. I'm pretty much exactly the same, except now I have to wear my rings on my necklace. If you're wondering what someone looks like when their head stays the same size, but their fingers turn to twigs, and they're running four times a week, please see  a recent photograph of me below.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

From the cliff edge of death


The woman whose cats I've been stealing, caught me doing it.

I opened the door of my flat to let them out, and she was going into hers. I didn't make it weird. I just said, 'Morning!' and fled. It was 6pm.

I didn't see either cat for five days.

Then I saw Salem (I named him), and he ran away petrified. I can only assume she's been showing him pictures of my face, and then slapping him, in some fucked up 'Pavlov's Dogs' approach.

If your thinking this blog is about cats, it's really not. I hardly ever write about cats.


I decided on Friday night, to go for a run in the snow at 8am the next day. The reason being, that after two weeks of Resolution keeping, I am now indestructible. My good friend (let's call him Thomas, for that is his name), told me that I was an idiot, who would fall over and hurt myself.

I really showed him, when I fell over and hurt myself.

It was alright in the end. But just not the first bit, when I lay screaming, demanding an ambulance.

I knew that I'd broken my ankle.

So you can imagine my surprise, when five minutes later I was walking fine! What a miracle!


Then right, and you're not going to beeellliiieevve this one, last night, three teenagers tried to kill me.

There's a steep alley way leading up to my flat from the main road, which I've affectionately named 'Death Alley' (because it's a perfectly logical place to get stabbed. So much so, that as soon as the knife was in, you'd have to admit you'd been asking for it).

So I was carefully making my way up, when I heard a whooshing noise from above, shortly followed by a chorus of 'Hit her!'. I looked up. A sledge was coming for me, loaded with morons,  like a black panther after a giselle (I'm just trying to bring the story to life for you). I pressed my back against the wall. They turned the lip of the sledge to the wall. That's right fellow reader! They were trying to mow me down!

With Olympian-esque speed, I ran in front of it to the other side, as all three of the scumbags zoomed past, scraping themselves against the brick.

Well I was a mess.

I got home, and made myself a fruit tea, reminiscing about the Great Snowball Fight of 2010, which for those of you who don't remember, is where I took on, and defeated a group of children (Please see blog entitled, 'The Rutter - 1 The Little Shits - 0')

I live to see another day, and what a snow covered, pants day it is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Year, Same old you.

I don't believe I've ever achieved a New Year's Resolution.

Which is why I've adopted a new approach, which I'm titling, 'The Roll Over'. In essence, if you don't achieve it one year, you have to bash it back on the list for the next.

I shit you not, for the first two weeks of January, I have been loyally following the below:

*Watch less television *Learn to play the guitar *Drink more water *Stop biting your nails *Bring your own lunch into work *Sign up to a charity run *Go for a run four times a week *Floss *Don't drink alcohol for a month *Give up Starbucks *Cook all dinner's from scratch


I feel like complete shit.

Mostly it's because I've been to the gym seven times in ten days. Luckily there's a man at the gym, who uses the rower and vocally performs his own porno - which is lovely when you've forgotten your Ipod.


I have cats!

By which I've mean I keep stealing someone else's cats!

It started off quite nicely - they'd make a cheeky dash inside the flat, I'd track them down and shoo them out. Until Saturday. On Saturday I let one stay for a day. I think that makes me a cat burglar. I mean, I like me, but I just like me better when I have cats.

On Sunday, a few friends came round, and we got talking about aforementioned animals. And they were all like, 'There's no way they just sit outside your door waiting to come in.' So I opened the front door, and voilĂ  a different cat! How exciting! I only kept that one for three hours - which I think is progress.

Don't look at me like that - like you've never 'borrowed' someone else's stuff. Like you're better than me. We all do things we're not proud of, but the important thing is that we learn from those mistakes.

Every night when I get home, I leave the front door open for a while, hoping to get a cat.


My umbrella exploded recently, and hit my mum's car.And the company were all 'Our umbrella's don't usually explode, can you please send a photo?'

A photo?

Like I marked the area out in white chalk and took swabs.

I mean JEEZ. So I gave them a detailed blow-by-blow instead. And as I'm like a PROPER writer, it was rather nice.And then they sent me a new umbrella.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is the one thing that's gone right in my life so far in 2013.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Twee-dle Dee

Now, if I'm honest with myself, I could see it coming.

And you know what the worst thing is?

I let it.

The true realisation smacked me this morning, as I carried my lunch to the fridge:

Grapes (nothing wrong there)

Bread (still no qualms)

But here's where it gets ugly:


Carrot and Coriander soup. I MADE IT FROM SCRATCH. And not only that, but I made enough to fill four containers, which I then froze. I'd purchased the containers purposely for this reason.




Ask me what I did at the weekend. Go on, ask me. I trained for the Leeds 10k. I went to Ikea. I hung a picture. I sewed my hood back on my coat. Yes, I made the bread. Yes, I made the frigging soup. I sat around with people singing, I plaited my hair. I researched reasonably priced sheets.

I'd ask for help, but I honestly think it's too late.

It would take something terribly drastic to reverse what I've become. And I don't really fancy downing a bottle of vodka and snorting cocaine at work.

Oh God, what if I start knitting? What if I genuinely get the compulsion to knit?

WHAT IF I MAKE MY OWN JAM? And become a cyclist, recycle my glass bottles, and volunteer?

*Throws up again*