Day 3 without coffee. Let's pretend it's for lent and not to prove I don't had a problem. My name's WriterAtLunch and I'm addicted to Starbucks.
It turns out, when coffee-free, I'm not at my optimum. My words trip over each other, like over-excited morons. my thoughts are slow and have to be dragged into being. At exactly 3pm every day, I experience an overwhelming crash. My bowling ball head longs to meet the desk. In the morning, I walk past the life giver itself, Starbucksium, and in the evening, force myself past once more.
Do you see how happy the people are inside? How awake they are? Each one of them coated in a golden glow, greddy fingers round those bright, white mugs, the sweet syrup inches from......
*passed out*
It's too hard! Give me coffee! Aarrggghhh!
It turns out that if you bring your gym kit to work, and just leave it under your desk, it creates the illusion of fitness. I spot it every morning, a trainer poking out the bag, and think, 'Good for me, being all pro-active with exercise. At any moment, any moment at all, I could go to the gym'.
It's fabulous, you should try it.
Get to the end of the day, and ask yourself, 'Is today the day?'
Then say, 'No, but tomorrow will be.'
Repeat all week. Make it to the weekend, and feel so very sporty. You're one of those people, who can't stop thinking about going to the gym, and one day, you might actually make it there.
Anyhoo, I'm too busy at the mind gym, trying to construct a personality out of what God gave me. previously, half of myself was made from coffee beans, but I can't rely on that anymore. I'd like to apologise in advance if you run into my substandard self, I'm working on it.
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