Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Nice shoes

Today I sniffed my hand cream and gave it a little squeeze. It shot into my nostril. I don't know if you've ever tried to snort Nivea, but I wouldn't recommend it.

So Zumba.....all the better for a glass of rose (downed) and a pizza (downed). I would thoroughly recommend this, or any class, if you're not one for commitment when it comes to exercise. The shame of quitting would be too much, so you have to dance on. I did go purple. For my colleagues, who are not aware of just how dramatic my skin can be, this came as a bit of a shock. One did attempt to comfort me - 'At least you can see it's having an affect.'

I did shake it, both like Shakira, and because of what my momma gave me. I did not shake it very well. To be fair, I stood behind a man who moved his hips like a he should be at a strip bar, living a luxury lifestyle from tips alone. My focused face was also a point of much amusement. Is it so bad that my features gravitate towards a central point when I concentrate? Luckily, I am used to this, as Ginger Beard laughs at it, when I watch TV (mostly political dramas like Vampire Diaries).

What's great about when you exercise for one week, is that you can now start dabbling in the below phrases:

'In my spare time, I hit the gym, hard.'

'I feel like I spend my whole damn life on a treadmill. But one does have to tend to the temple.'

'You should go to the gym more.'

You can also call other people fat, because all you have now is muscle.

On the train, this lady let her daughter stand on me, because she was chasing imaginary fairies. And because her quest was so vital, it was okay for her to commit GBH. Parenting skills people!

It was nice to see you today. I like your shoes.

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