Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Park life

Yesterday, I was hit by a falling suitcase as I walked down a spiral staircase. No, it wasn't a magical, Alice In Wonderland staircase, or an especially dull dream.

This shit actually happens to me.

In my shock, and as the woman ran down to reclaim it, I turned and said, "Woah, easy there!"

As if she was responsible for a reckless horse.

Maybe I am secretly a suitcase tamer? Not such a secret one anymore!

I think I really need to try and be the person that doesn't experience things like this. I think it's known as being normal.

Any tips?

An old English teacher of mine often said that I was eccentric.

So maybe I only have myself to blame for the suitcase incident. Maybe I was walking in such a peculiar fashion, that the woman was trying to put me down for the greater good - end the horror.

It's possible.


I'm starting to get over how awful my novel is. I don't mean that the writing's getting any better, it's not. Previously, I would've compared generating it to undergoing something painful without help, like getting a filling. Whereas now, I have taken the anaesthetic. Because I cannot complete this thing kicking and screaming my way through, and I have to complete it in order to uphold my thinning, pathetic wisp of a dream.

Otherwise, as discussed in an earlier blog, I will have to be an astronaut.

And the more I think about it, the more I worry about me as an astronaut. I think I've managed to become a bit spesh despite being in the company of  well turned out others, imagine what isolation would do to that. I bet the only thing that keeps me in check is public shame and embarrassment.

Guys, it's not looking awesome for me right now. I am precisely 4,663 words behind.

My main problem is that I'm trying to write something of value, which is also at least mildly entertaining/interesting. I'm also reading 'The shock of the fall' by Nathan Filer which is super, super good. Nathan is a mental health nurse and has used this knowledge to produce a novel. If I did that, I would have a novel about admin. I just don't think it's fair that some people have quite exciting lives, which they are able to use to inspire successful art.

Whereas I, am writing a novel which in the main, is about admin, and get hit by falling suitcases.

Yes, that's correct, the best fiction I have been able to generate follows a protagonist through which can be specifically described, as my work history.

I think if a lot of you comment on this post saying, 'Sounds like something I'd read.' and 'You've really landed on a gap in the market with that one,' then everything will be okay.

I don't want to pressure you, but I will blame you if I fail.

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