Thursday, September 04, 2014

Animate this

Just eaten a Muller fruit corner with a fork - recommend.

The spoons are all reallllly far away, and it drastically increased how long it took me to eat it, generating the welcome illusion that it was massive.


I am really sick

Okay, so not in a death bed way, not even really in a bed way, as I'm at work. But in the way you can be so, so, so sick, and yet still fully function.

We've all been there.

The real disadvantage of my illness, other than looking like a complete, snotty joke, is that the main casualty is my IQ. In that, I've become incredibly thick.

Either that, or the virus is acting like a kind of reducer, seeing me unable to keep up all the usual effort I go to, to appear remotely intelligent.

I spoke to someone this morning, and tried to convey this symbol <

Me: It's like, it's like an arrow pointing at something to the left.

Man: A less than symbol?

Me: Great, thanks for that.

Almost as fun as when this happened last week:

Man: I've sent you the password, it's 'password.'

Me: Yes I know. I've tried it and it doesn't work.

Man: Password. That's P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D

I'd of killed him, but I'm too professional.

Oooh, maybe I could just stab him, or render him unable to speak using a punch to the mouth. I'm not too professional for either of those things.

Okay, so maybe I'm thick and aggressive.


Does anyone know someone who's an animator? I've decided that I'm ready to be a successful writer now. I think it's because I've managed to write two poems in a month. Anyway, and I have this animation that could do with the help of someone.....someone, talented.

At about 2am Sunday morning, I downloaded some software and made the first bit:

But I don't think it's going to cut the mustard. Partly because the software has about six clip art images, and I think I've used them all in one go.

Is anyone better at animation than me?

Even a tad better?


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