Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Spending time with Ginger

I stepped off the tube with GingerBeard last week and he said:

'I can't believe that guy just told me to shut-up.'

Me: 'What?'

GB: 'This guy wouldn't let me get off to the tube, so I said, "Step back", and he went, "Shut-up, shut-up. shut-up."'

Me: 'Tall guy, white shirt, sunglasses?'

GB: 'That's the one.'

'Don't worry,' I consoled, 'I hit him, hard'

Because he wouldn't let me get off the train either, so I used my sports bag as a weapon, and went for a thigh shot.

And that's why we are the best team ever. I like to think that as a rule, Ginger antagonises people, and then I come out of nowhere, and take them down.

Only one person gets to bully this Ginger Beard, and that's me.

Although it's a tad worrying that he seems to be imitating my behaviour with relish.

Par exemple (that's French):

Yesterday he elbowed a sitting man in the face, whilst trying to take off his coat. Said victim cradled his head, but didn't look up.

Me: You didn't apologise.

GB: I know. He's sitting forward.

Me: So?

GB: Everyone has their allocated space, and he has chosen to invade mine.

Me: Wow.

GB: Exactly.

I saw him in a different light. Like, previously I've stated that if he went to prison, he would quickly become the girlfriend of not one, but several men. I'd like to revise that, and suggest that he would be the guy scrambling across the cafeteria benches to stab someone in the eye with a plastic fork. That's certainly who he's becoming at any rate. I guess it's good for our relationship, in the sense that he would likely retain his sense of masculinity and stay faithful to me, but bad in that he would have several back to back life sentences and I'd never see him again.

Lots to think about there.

It looks like this rampage of harm, doesn't just stop at others. This happened earlier:

Me: You look really nice.

GB: Thanks. I guess I won't kill myself today then.

What a catch.

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